Pressure Sand Filter
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Pressure Sand Filter manufacturer

TEHNO AQUA SOLUTIONS is the leading company of PRESSURE SAND FILTER MANUFACTURER in Kolkata, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Assam, Chhattisgarh – India.
Pressure Sand Filter mostly used to remove turbidity and suspended particles from water. The PSF consists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity. Raw water pump is used for generating necessary operating pressure in the pressure sand filter. Raw water is passed through Pressure Sand Filter at a pressure of 3.5 kg / cm2 to reduce the suspended solids present in the raw water. We designed the plant as per raw water quality & also customer’s requirement. It has MS fabricated and FRP imported both are available.
The growth of water and wastewater treatment market is primarily driven by rapidly growing population and urbanization, increasing demand for new water resources, growing concerns of water quality and public health, and increasing prevalence of water-borne diseases. Thanks to our all well-wishers for being with us.
Therefore, the water treatment plants have become imperative to reduce pollution. These plants collect effluent from industrial and municipal sources and treat it to a level of purification that enables its reuse in agriculture, industry, and even as a potable drinking source. Iron Removal Filter Manufacturer In Kolkata, Water Treatment Plant Manufacturer In Kolkata, Water Softener Manufacturer In Kolkata, Iron Removal Plant Manufacturer In Kolkata, Activated Carbon Filter Manufacturer In Kolkata, R O Plant Manufacturer In Kolkata, Packaged Drinking Water Plant Manufacturer In Kolkata, Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer In Kolkata, Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturer In Kolkata, Rain Water Harvesting Project Consultant In Kolkata, Howrah, West Bengal, Assam, Durgapur, Odisha, Jharkhand, Sikkim, Tripura, Chhattisgarh, Hooghly, Burdwan.
Water is a basic necessity for ensuring life, not just for humans, but for countless animals and plant species. There is an increasing demand for water as a result of global population growth. As the rate at which water pollution and consumption of water are making useable water scarcer, it is more important than ever to find ways to conserve it.
Conservation of water not only helps us ensure a healthy supply of drinking water, for now, it helps us ensure that our successors will also have access to the water they will need to survive.
We are also Iron Removal Plant manufacturer, supplier | Rain Water Harvesting System Project consultant manufacturer, supplier | Effluent Treatment Plant manufacturer, supplier | Sewage Treatment Plant manufacturer, supplier | Packaged Drinking Water Plant manufacturer, supplier | Reverse Osmosis Plant manufacturer, supplier | Water Softening Plant manufacturer, supplier | Activated Carbon Filter manufacturer, supplier | R O Water Purifier manufacturer, supplier | Dialysis R O Plant manufacturer, supplier | DM Plant manufacturer, supplier | Iron Removal Filter manufacturer, supplier | Pressure Sand Filter manufacturer, supplier | Water Treatment Plant manufacturer, supplier in Kolkata , Bihar, Odisha, Assam, Jharkhand, Howrah.